Vana’diel is no longer an abusive relationship, giving you just enough to keep stringing you along. Achieving my airship pass certainly didn’t mean to me now what it did then, but experiencing the game again with someone else has brought its own joys and moments of pride. While the game is vastly different, that doesn’t mean it’s worse. And if you’re out there thinking I hate what Final Fantasy XI has become, then you’re mistaken. If the mood should strike me, perhaps I’ll do one of these articles for each of the expansions. I hope you’ve enjoyed some of the logs of my characters throughout history. I sense this is only the beginning of our adventures.” Our second attempt went far better than the first. By the grace of the goddess Altana, we escaped and were able to regroup with a friendly Black Mage who joined us.

Given that our party was light on mages, this was a major problem. By some magick, he made himself immune to all manner of physical attack. We bravely engaged the Shadow Lord in combat, and while things started off well, the day was not ours. “We have been frustrated by our first failure since our adventure began. This is the proudest moment of my life.”Īeonic Gear from Seekers of Adoulin. Myself, along with 5 brave adventurers, were able to band together to defeat him and end the threat. There, I met the Shadow Lord, the terrible leader of the beastmen. A journey that started as running from rabbits in the forests outside San d’Oria, finally saw me climbing to the tallest tower of Castle Zvahl Keep. “It’s been nearly 10 months since my journey began, since the threat of the beastmen rose again in Vana’diel. It’s fascinating to see Vana’diel from so far above, but how did anyone spend so much time traveling? It’s maddening.” Nevertheless, Vyrella and I decided it would be fun to take the airship home to San d’Oria.

It’s an archaic form of transportation, as the instant teleportation between home crystals is much quicker. For our troubles, we were rewarded with an Airship Pass. “Now level 50, we were able to complete the archduke’s request to investigate the magicite in Monastic Cavern, Qulun Dome, and the Altar Room of Castle Oztroja. Vyrella was given a scare when she first encountered the ghosts of Gusgen Mines, but we persevered despite the creepy siren sounding in the morning.” My confidence was rewarded, as we had little difficulty securing any of the items necessary. Feeling confidant, I took us to Valkurm Dunes to secure the items needed to learn the subjob technique. It stuns me to think that yesterday we were venturing into Ronfaure for our first time. “A few hours in King Ranperre’s tomb have brought us to level 25. “Update: It’s been a week and still the Magicked Skull eludes me. This should be a fairly simple task as I’ve already gotten the apron and the worm over the last few weeks.” A man in the town of Selbina has offered to teach me a secret technique if I can secure him a Crab Apron, a Damselfly Worm, and a Magicked Skull. The hours spent attacking crabs and flies have begun to weigh heavily on my sanity. “…For four weeks, I’ve come to see the dunes of Valkurm as my home. Within seconds, I was unconscious on the ground. I’m not sure why, but I think it had a motor in its mouth due to the way its nose was twitching. It seemed like a tough opponent, particularly due to its defensive and evasive nature. As I descended the slope into the trees, I spotted a forest hare. I wasn’t sure where to get it, so I’ll check in on it later. Someone in town told me to get Signet, whatever that is. “…I took my first tentative steps outside the city gates into East Ronfaure. And for those who have never had the pleasure, welcome to Final Fantasy XI. I thought it might be fun to do a little retrospective about key moments in the game circa 2004 and circa 2020. The reason is because my fiance is experiencing the game for her first time, and I’ve started a fresh character to play alongside her. But that’s not why I’m writing about the game today. Little did I know then that my career would be born out of those moments. I first discovered podcasting in the Final Fantasy XI scene which lead to me hosting my first show. So why am I talking about a game 16 years later? I could tell you that it’s because the game made me who I am today.